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/ Turnbull China Bikeride / Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso / STUTTGART / DEMOS / XCENTRIC / !Xcentric / !Adjust / Risc PC / !ReadMe (.svg) next >
Acorn/RISC-OS Draw  |  1995-04-01  |  2KB  |  851x827  |  8-bit (130 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: Mode Adjustment forXcentric on the Risc PC started on Risc PiCentric looks up your configured Mode Description File for a 416x208 screen resolution. In case vour Mode Description File doesn't contain this mode which isXrorytitkely To avoid this please add this resolution your Mode Description File Ther are twe example data-files in this directory which you cur base vour own res for Acorn AKF50-like and uses 15.5kHz line frequency the othes AKF85-like and (S)VGA monitors and uses 30kHz line frequeney In case the display isn't well adjusted use eg Acorn' -utility custom Bv default the Mode Description File for you monitor located in the dir&ctory Boot .Resources Configure Monitors on your harddise Please consul your User Guide for more information on this subject Xeentric optimized for 50Hz ...